Well, 'dollars' is an overstatement for sure. Started work on a variation of an equatorial sundial. Lot of experimenting going on here. The starting stock is 1/4x4x22" with some wacky font that the CNC guy decided was cool at the last minute - and changed with out checking with me. Next time I'll probably go with 1/8" and will absolutely pick a more 'mature' font. At least it wasn't comic book sans. The stone is a piece of soapstone from Brazil and has a faint green cast to it. The final dial will have a bottom half circle added to make it appear that the hoop is passing through the stone. The bottom half will be integrated with a pedestal of TBD style.
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the Mad tinkerJust an archive of projects as they progress. Nothing really to see here. Move along ... Archives
February 2025