... that's impossible. Only try to realize the truth: There is no spoon.
Some geegaws for visitors to the shop during the Studio Tour. Started a new sundial that is of the style of the original sundials that I first forged about 7 years ago. I still enjoy this sundial style - there are a few blacksmithing techniques that always provide a challenge. Getting better with each one but still interesting to me.
Finished the Noon Mark, aka Meridian dial. Pretty happy with how it looks - sort of a 2001: A Space Odyssey vibe going on.
Time is getting a little short until the Studio Tour so I simplified the nodus at bit. When the Studio Tour is done I'll revisit this and fancy it up a bit. Pretty happy with how the brazing went between the style and the nodus. Came out pretty clean.
Tomorrow the tower gets a black patina and then it'll be time to move on the next dial. Finished what amounts to a plinth. The intent is to give the impression that the dial is simply rising from the earth. Lots of musty Moment of Inertia calculations to get an approximation for the size of the base. Feel happy with how it turned out. It's still a little wobbly but the issue is that the connection between the horizontal and vertical plates is a bit loose and that will be solved when the rivets are finally placed.
Mostly happy with how the Noon Dial came out - I probably should have cut the analemma a little wider but once it's done it's hard to go over it again. The plate is 183 cm tall, 40 cm wide and 6 mm thick. I'm still working on the best size for the nodus disk. The disk will be a copper etched (probably) circle. Next up is the chasing of the sun features under the treadle hammer and the design of a stand. The pictures are hazy because of fires just to the west of us.
Simple horizontal dial. Only even numbers are marked to avoid the appearance of overcrowding. Currently sitting on a plinth but will eventually just sit on a patio table or perch. Birthday present for a neighbor.
the Mad tinkerJust an archive of projects as they progress. Nothing really to see here. Move along ... Archives
February 2025